El emotivo mensaje con el que Nicholas Gonz\u00e1lez se despide de ‘The Good Doctor’ y del doctor Mel\u00e9ndez

The Good Doctor acabó el mes de marzo echando el cierre a su tercera temporada con un capítulo (Te quiero) que marcó un antes y un después en la ficción de la ABC. La ciudad de San José era asolada por un terremoto y los doctores del St. Bonaventure no escapaban a sus consecuencias, en especial Neil Meléndez (Nicholas González), uno de sus cirujanos más queridos, que fallecía tras sufrir importantes lesiones internas.

Este adiós, que AXN emitirá en España el próximo 21 de abril, dejó en shock a los espectadores del drama médico creado por David Shore (House), que llenaron las redes sociales de mensajes llenos de cariño hacia el personaje y el actor que lo ha interpretado a lo largo de 56 capítulos. Ahora, una vez digeridos los sentimientos que le ha provocado este adiós por exigencias del guion, Nicholas González ha utilizado el mismo medio para devolver los mensajes de aliento de sus fans y para hacer balance de los tres años que ha compartido con Freddie Highmore y compañía.

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“Find what you love and let it kill you.” Check. Aaand check. Almost 3 years ago exactly, we were filming the pilot of The Good Doctor on a soundstage in Burnaby, just outside of Vancouver. I remember turning to Freddie, Antonia and Chuku and remarking that they were never going to let us do this show because we were having entirely too much fun together. The show was picked up and 56 episodes later the fun hadn’t stopped. Playing the character of Dr. Neil Melendez has been an absolute honor. And everyday I treated it as such. I feel honored to have portrayed a man of such ingenuity, courage, integrity, and compassion. Virtues that I constantly strive for, and (many times) fall short of, in my own daily life. I have made no secret that, for me, the depiction of Melendez was a combination of two men that I have spent a lifetime looking up to — my brother and my father. The Doctors Gonzalez and Doctor Melendez have always been one in the same in my head. To say I understood this character and what drove him would be an understatement. To say that I will miss him, would be an even bigger one… First off, a huge, sincere thank you to all the fans worldwide that allowed us into your hearts every Monday night. I truly cherish every encounter I have had with you all. To be a part of something that has touched you so deeply has been one of the biggest honors of my life. The social media response to my demise has been nothing short of overwhelming and I assure you that I have tried to read them all. For all of this and all of you, I am eternally grateful. To David Shore, the producers and the writers – Thank you for your words of Hope, Love and Understanding. You have such a profound effect on the minds of our viewers. May you always carry with you the comforting knowledge of the many lives you touch with your lovely work. To my fellow cast mates and crew of The Good Doctor, this is not goodbye. For how do you say goodbye to family? You are the best crew I have ever worked with, hands down. I will miss those long, but happy days with you all. The echo of laughter and the memory of countless smiles now overwhelms the tears. You accepted… (continued in comments)

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“Find what you love and let it kill you.” Check. Aaand check. Almost 3 years ago exactly, we were filming the pilot of The Good Doctor on a soundstage in Burnaby, just outside of Vancouver. I remember turning to Freddie, Antonia and Chuku and remarking that they were never going to let us do this show because we were having entirely too much fun together. The show was picked up and 56 episodes later the fun hadn’t stopped. Playing the character of Dr. Neil Melendez has been an absolute honor. And everyday I treated it as such. I feel honored to have portrayed a man of such ingenuity, courage, integrity, and compassion. Virtues that I constantly strive for, and (many times) fall short of, in my own daily life. I have made no secret that, for me, the depiction of Melendez was a combination of two men that I have spent a lifetime looking up to — my brother and my father. The Doctors Gonzalez and Doctor Melendez have always been one in the same in my head. To say I understood this character and what drove him would be an understatement. To say that I will miss him, would be an even bigger one… First off, a huge, sincere thank you to all the fans worldwide that allowed us into your hearts every Monday night. I truly cherish every encounter I have had with you all. To be a part of something that has touched you so deeply has been one of the biggest honors of my life. The social media response to my demise has been nothing short of overwhelming and I assure you that I have tried to read them all. For all of this and all of you, I am eternally grateful.To David Shore, the producers and the writers – Thank you for your words of Hope, Love and Understanding. You have such a profound effect on the minds of our viewers. May you always carry with you the comforting knowledge of the many lives you touch with your lovely work.To my fellow cast mates and crew of The Good Doctor, this is not goodbye. For how do you say goodbye to family? You are the best crew I have ever worked with, hands down. I will miss those long, but happydays with you all. The echo of laughter and the memory of countless smiles now overwhelms the tears. You accepted… (continued in comments)

A post shared bynicholas gonzalez (@eltexmex) on

«Hace casi 3 años exactamente, estábamos grabando el piloto de The Good Doctor en un estudio de sonido en Burnaby, a las afueras de Vancouver. Recuerdo dirigirme a Freddie (Shaun), Antonia (Claire) y Chuku (Jared) y comentar que nunca nos dejarían hacer esta serie porque nos estábamos divirtiendo demasiado juntos», comienza recordando el actor sobre los primeros pasos de una ficción que acaba de despedir su tercera temporada y ya ha renovado por una cuarta.

«Interpretar al personaje del Dr. Neil Meléndez ha sido un honor absoluto. Y todos los días lo trataba como tal. Me siento honrado de haber retratado a un hombre con tal ingenio, coraje, integridad y compasión. Virtudes por las que me esfuerzo constantemente y (muchas veces) no alcanzo en mi propia vida diaria», confiesa el actor texano que recurrió a dos referentes muy cercanos para construir el personaje. «Para mí, la representación de Meléndez era una combinación de dos hombres a los que he admirado toda mi vida: mi hermano y mi padre. Los doctores González y el doctor Meléndez siempre han sido lo mismo en mi cabeza. Decir que entendí este personaje y lo que lo impulsó sería quedarse corto. Decir que lo extrañaré sería aún más grande…», confiesa.

En el capítulo de agradecimientos, los fans de la serie ocupan el primer lugar: «La respuesta de las redes sociales a mi desaparición ha sido abrumadora y os aseguro que he intentado leer todos los mensajes. Estoy eternamente agradecido», reconoce.

El segundo puesto es para David Shore, creador de la serie, los productores y guionistas que han conquistado a los espectadores de todo el mundo. Y el tercero, pero no menos importante, para sus compañeros en The Good Doctor, «el mejor equipo con el que he trabajado nunca, sin duda». Y es que, aunque dice adiós al estudio y al personaje, no está dispuesto a hacer lo mismo con sus colegas porque… «¿cómo te despides de la familia?». Y termina con un mensaje directo al corazón: «Extrañaré esos largos pero felices días con todos vosotros. El eco de la risa y el recuerdo de innumerables sonrisas ahora abruman las lágrimas».

Te echaremos de menos, doctor Meléndez. Suerte en tus nuevos retos.

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